Cognitive Automation

How Cognitive Automation Could Transform The Logistics Industry

In the current scenario of logistics management, artificial intelligence is a buzzword. Its widespread application is evident across various sectors. Amazon is implementing AI technology to automate warehouse processes.

Leading retailers like Walmart and Amazon are deploying last-time delivery drones. This technology can also transform the complex skills required in logistics jobs.

Cognitive Automation

By leveraging this technology for high-skilled activities, logistics planners can actively reduce costs, save time, and eliminate errors, contributing to active and result-oriented business results.

It is a relief to know that artificial intelligence can change how freight moves across the globe. Here are The top 5 ways cognitive automation could transform the logistics industry.

1: Autonomous Vehicles

There is a lot of buzz surrounding self-driving trucks.

In addition to reducing traffic accidents, they save time and money.

There are several different models of autonomous vehicles under development at the moment. It won\’t take long for self-driving cars that can monitor and predict changes in their surroundings, select the fastest path, and avoid obstacles to begin delivering goods and transporting people.  

2: Conversational Chatbots

By using chatbots, companies can save 30% on customer support costs, according to IBM.

Algorithms like these can operate around the clock and handle many customers simultaneously, so they contribute to improving the efficiency of this department, which is critical for customers.

3: Smart Roads

Innovative road technology is a massive disruptor in logistics and supply chains that heavily rely on road conditions.

For instance, an intelligent highway in Sandpoint, Idaho, consists of tempered glass tiles made of durable solar panels. Solar panels absorb sunlight during the day and convert it to electricity, which is then used for powering nearby buildings and public infrastructure.

In addition, built-in LED lights indicate the traffic lanes and alert drivers to potential hazards or traffic volumes ahead. This intelligent AI-powered highway can detect accidents and notify authorities and other motorists. As a result, road safety is increased. 

4: Warehouse Automation

The practice of warehouse automation entails automating the movement of goods and inventory into, within, and out of warehouses and enabling them to reach customers as efficiently and effectively as possible.

We are attempting to reduce costs by implementing automation software and robotics, and we are trying to speed up the process by implementing minimal human involvement.

Essentially, companies can automate labor-intensive, repetitive tasks that require physical labor and error-prone, tedious manual data entry.

5: Back Office Automation

The same applies to back-office automation, where companies can now use artificial intelligence tools instead of using the manual process.

Using this technology, structured data can be extracted from any document, whether format, categorized, and labeled, then removed from tables and integrated into ERP systems or TMS.

AI won\’t take over jobs; it will help people focus on high-value work rather than menial, repetitive tasks.

Companies can focus on meeting customer demands and profit by reducing operational costs and resources dedicated to back-office operations.


Supply chains can be improved by embracing new technologies. Supply chains and logistics can benefit from Artificial Intelligence in various ways, as you can see. This powerful technology is being implemented by companies all over the world.

Artificial intelligence can streamline and accelerate a wide range of essential processes. When routine tasks are automated, they are more efficient, accurate and reduce the possibility of human error.

By implementing AI in the logistics industry, expenses can be reduced, and customer satisfaction can be increased.

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