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Frequently asked questions

How many users can access the SCM system?

Access depends on your subscription plan, designed to accommodate teams of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.

What is your policy on data integrity and security?

Our platform employs state-of-the-art security measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your supply chain data.

What technology powers your SCM system?

Our system is built on robust, scalable cloud infrastructure designed to handle complex supply chain demands efficiently.

What kind of support do you offer for SCM users?

We offer comprehensive support including 24/7 technical help, dedicated account managers, and a resource-rich online help center.

How often do you update the SCM system?

We regularly update our system with new features and security enhancements, typically on a quarterly basis.

Can we request custom features in the SCM system?

Yes, we work closely with our clients to develop custom features that meet specific logistics and supply chain needs.